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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Excuse letter for not coming to school on Friday, 23th Oct 2009:


Dear Mr De Souza,

Throughout history, there have been many plagues of illnesses. Examples of such illnesses include the bubonic plaque. Closer to home, we have had SARS, and most recently the H1N1 flu outbreak. As a Biology teacher, I'm pretty sure you're well-versed in this area.

I was also witness to an incident like this. Recently, just last week, my mum's brother's only sister's second daughter fell sick. It was a period of emotional turmoil for me.

It all started when on a Thursday night, I received a phone call from my uncle. He informed me that his sister's second daughter had been terribly ill. My heart immediately stopped beating. I was sure I was going to drop dead any second, I was that shocked. Luckily though, nothing of that sort happened, or I would not be writing this to you now. I immediately rushed to her house to see her.

I was terrified like crazy for her well-being. She has been vital to me for my whole life. She is the only girl who knows everything about me. She was one gifted person, blessed with great intelligence, charisma and beauty. Both of us shared a bond that transcended life and death, we were that close. And now, I was just so distraught at her condition. My mind just stopped working upon the sight of her lying weakly down on her bed. She moaned my name quietly. "Vicky...I just want to say, you'll always be my best friend." Just then, however, I had to leave, for it was time for her vaccinations.

When I got home, I confess that I did not even think of school the next day. My mind was too fixated with what would become of my dear best friend, who was truly my sister in learning and sister at heart. I was just so worried for her well-being. The next day, I woke up at around 10.30am and I looked into the mirror as usual and I realised that my eyes were completely red. Upon examination of the pillow, I figured out that I had been crying in my sleep. Such was the bond that I shared with my best friend.

My conscience told me not go to school that day. A sister of the truest form is definitely more important than a day roaming the concrete school compound. After much consideration, I came to a tough decision to listen to my conscience and very reluctantly did not attend school that day.

I am very sorry for my absence on Friday, 23 October 2009. I am sure that my nonexistence was strongly felt in school and that you missed my vivacious personality and natural charisma greatly. Hence, I hope that you will excuse me from school on that fateful day.

Oh and before I end off, just for your information: my uncle's sister's daughter made it through. She is now on a steady road to recovery and is still my best friend as ever.

Thank you so much for being understanding of my situation. May you be always blessed for having the goodness to excuse me from school in times of emotional trauma.

Best Regards,


Friday, October 16, 2009

Seriously, this year's Deepavali timing is just wrong.
So many people are like emo, not even able to celebrate it happily and joyously as always.
Right smack after the exams.
No anticipation, no excitement.

like on 17 NOV
at least it's during the hols, and like it's into the mood and all.

but at least this was the year i worked my ass off.

okay this im in such a ranting mood.

15 more mins.
I wonder, :D or D: or ._.
Monday, October 12, 2009

Hello world.
It's 3.52am now, on 12 October 2009.
In like 9 hours time, my last EYAs in RG would have been over!
Let me ratttle on formulas in my own world, to please myself. (:

Waves & Sound
V = frequency x wavelength
V = wavelength/T
f = 1/T
Speed of sound (echo) = 2(Distance travelled)/Total time taken

Newton's Law
When velocity is constant, Fnet = 0 --> acceleration = 0
When not constant, Fnet not = 0 --> acceleration not = 0
Fnet > 0, accelearation > 0
Fnet < 0, acceleration < 0 Kinematics: Displacement-time graph --> Gradient: Velocity
Velocity-time graph --> Gradient: Acceleration
Acceleration-time graph

S = 1/2 (u+v)t
V = u + at
S = ut + 1/2at^2
V^2 = u^2 + 2as

Free Fall
Fnet = mg

Non-free fall
Fnet = mg - R

Air resistance affected by:
1) SA -> When SA increase, AR increase
2) V -> When V increase, AR increase

Work Done: Force x Displacement / mgh (J)
Ek = 1/2mV^2 (J)
Ep = mgh (J)
Work-Energy relationship: Work done --> must have energy converted.
Close system: Total amount of energy remains same before and after work done

1) Energy converted/Time
2) Work Done/Time
3) Force x Displacement/Time
4) Force x Velocity(has to be constant)

% Efficiency
(Energy/Work/Power output) / (Energy/Work/Power output) x 100%

CG & Moment
Moment = Force x (Perpendicular) Displacement
1) Clockwise moment = Anti-clockwise moment
2) Upward force = Downward force
Uniform: CG acts through middle
Light: Weight is negligible

From optically less dense to denser --> Bends towards normal. angle i > angle r, when incident along normal, no refraction though speed decreases.
From optically denser to less dense --> Bends away from normal. angle i < angle r, when incident along normal, no refraction though speed increases. Critical angle --> angle of incidence in denser medium that causes angle of refraction in less dense medium to be 90 deg

TIR: 1) optically denser to less dense. 2) angle i > critical angle

Refractive index
1) n = sin i/sin r--> i is always optically less dense medium
2) n = actual depth/apparent depth
3) n = 1/sin c

Below critical angle --> Have REFRACTION
Above critical angle --> Have REFLECTION


45 mins of mugging left.
Seeya later!
Saturday, October 10, 2009

I think there's something wrong with me.
I'm really getting really very annoyed easily these days.

This morning, it was about The Family
Then now, it is about how people can have all the time in the world to have fun, and yet ace their exams.
Or maybe it's just the aftereffects of mugging Physics for too long.
Or maybe it's just me trying to find excuses.

It's really demoralising that when I attempt the questions in the End-Of-Unit Exercise, I get it all wrong.
And the best part, I still don't know how come the correct answer is such.
What more, when I ask around whether the EOU is difficult (or is it just me), people claim it's relatively EASY.
what the shit man!
Omg, I must be really dumb.
How did I even get to RGS?!

Okay this is such a meaningless post.
Piece of incoherent crap.
But do I look like I care?
Monday, October 5, 2009

Adapted from an excuse letter that Vicky is gonna produce to her FT when she returns back to school on Tuesday.

"Dear Mr De Souza,

Humans are not perfect beings. As you know, the innately selfish nature of human beings has led to disagreements at every level, leading from mere difference of opinions to full-blown war. Such one-sided disagreements also exist in common familial units. Often, though, these "disagreements" are not actually disagreements, but mere quarrels due to the entire fault of one party, oftentimes in which the underlying factor for the disagreements are overlooked.

It all started on a fine Sunday night. Being the conscientious Biology student I am, I was revising my Biology notes for the 22nd time that day. I was calmly and quietly using the computer checking out Moodle andthe Berkeley Evolution 101 website awhen my brat of a younger sister came up to me and pulled my hair. I was super annoyed and asked her why she did that. She then proceeded to throw a tantrum because she did not understand her Integrated Science notes. I then explained to her very calmly and patiently what her notes meant, having been taught by the great Mr De Souza. After what seemed like eons, she finally understood. But being jealous of being deprived the chance to be a student of yours, she wasn't a singly ounce thankful to me! She slapped me on the face, which hurt so much that I decided to stay home from school today to avoid speculations. Due to the presence of 1800 girls and no boys, gossip is a widely-indulged-in pastime in RGS, and I would not want anyone to think that my boyfriend was abusing me.

I hope you understand my situation, but at this junction, I must reiterate that this was not my fault. The fault lies in the incompetency, for whatever reason, for the rest of the Biology department. Perhaps, this may not even be incompetency but just that any small flaw in their teaching style is magnified a thousand times when compared to your brilliant teaching abilities. Wait a moment, brilliant is an understatement. Words cannot describe the greatness of your teaching skills. See, yet again I failed at doing so.

All in all, I hope you will excuse me from my absence from school on the 5th of October, 2009. This is because it was not my fault, but of that of the biology department and your greatness. In my appreciation for your greatness, and also to make up for my deeply-felt absence on your behalf, I would like to inform you that if it were in my hands, I would nominate you for the Nobel Prize in Biology. For after all, what contribution to science is greater than ensuring its perpetuation and lighting the spark of curiosity in the future of tomorrow?

That being said, your colleagues also deserve a Nobel Prize - but the Ig Nobel Prize, not the "real deal". Perhaps, upon reception of this mockery of science, they would realise the great psychological impact of their teachings on their students (as can be seen by my sister's sad situation) and aspire to replicate your style perfectly.

I wish you a very happy invigilating and even happier marking days. It pains my heart that while us students will be resting at home, you will be marking dozens of scripts. However, I am helpless to change this situation, so I can only hope that with your optimistic nature, you manage to find a bright side in this too.

Have a great day ahead!

Darwin's descendant,

PS: No offense to any party or whatsoever is intended."


Three words that have made it up to my SUCKtitude list as of today:
1) Housework
2) Sick
3) DAD

This pretty much sums up my day.

I better buck up my Bio and Geog.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

okay so another day's up.
and nothing has been done ><
focus vicky, focus!
just 9 more dayssss!

didn't get to see mummy today ):
was supposed to go in the evening, but dad couldn't drop me as it was raining.
came back home.
oh well.
at least she's back home tomorrow!
thanks alot, God! <3

had a chat with Nisha this afternoon
well about stuff.
thought through quite abit of things and all.
wanted to copy paste bits of the convo, but can't retrieve history unless Nisha's online.
oh well, some other time then(:

it's like y'know exams seem so insignificant.
after all what's the point of exams?
grades? are they the real things that matter?
and we're living in this world, where we grow up with the impression that grades are the only things that matter.
when the REAL world outside isn't like that.
in reality, it's full of cruelty and injustice.
full of hatred and vengeance.
full of unfairness and anger.
full of this, full of that.
while we, on the other hand, are sitting at the other end with the impression that as long as I mug my ass off and ace that exams and do well in this and that, I'm guaranteed a great future.
seriously, what a delusion.

wanted to post something here.

" I’ve been making a list of the things they don’t teach you at school.
They don’t teach you how to love somebody.
They don’t teach you how to be famous.
They don’t teach you how to be rich or how to be poor.
They don’t teach you how to walk away from someone you don’t love any longer.
They don’t teach you how to know what’s going on in someone else’s mind.
They don’t teach you what to say to somomeone who’s dying.
They don’t teach you anything worth knowing. "
— Neil Gaiman

how true.
and I just had something else to add on to the list.
They don't teach you what the REAL world is like

peace out.

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I thank god for letting me live through another day, seeing another morning(:

& I need to focus and get my drive back
and get work done.
If not for me, for you at least(:

Come on Vicky, STOP sleeping, and get down to work.
Friday, October 2, 2009

school was okay today
english was surprisingly easy. okay I should not be too complacent, hopefully I pass(:
tamil was HAHA. omg so much for aiming for a 50/70 huh! All I remember was a loud heave of WHATTHEHELL the moment I flipped over the paper.
And random scribblings and doodlings of WHATTHESHIT, HOWAMIGONNADOTHIS, GRR, *frowny face*, etcetc
but well, what is over is over. I managed to crap something, so thank God for that ability haha(:

after school was HILARIOUS ttm! Crapped with alanna, crystal, jiahui, limmin and ABI outside Anderson's for a really long time.
sorry Abi, we were just playing around and teasing you(:
hope you dont take it to heart and be mad at us!
it was fun though xP

went to find kanages after school, fetched her and we went to alexandra together.
at the bus stop met ain
was just crapping lotsa stuff with her
hopped off commonwealth
dropped by queensway shopping centre for lunch!
couldnt finish most of it, so packed it to alexandra.

when we reached there, mummy had already left for her op.
kinda sad, we weren't there to send her to the OT.
kanages koped the sofa, I took the BED!
called art, updated her and talked to her a while.
haha I was in this totally mugger mindset to do Chem and all
but in the end, end up lying on the bed, shaking leg and watching tv!
not bad eh our local dramas x)

haha then the nurse chased me off the bed.
I dragged another sofa and fell asleep.
not even half an hour, mummy was back!
op was fine, thank god for it.
mummy looked really tired though.
her whole leg is in a brace.
hope she gets well soon!

her friends came to visit her, and they were just crapping.
haha their crap talks are actually very entertaining!
so I didnt get to do chem as well!
dinner came, mum was nauseous.
she gave dinner to me and kanages.
claypot chicken rice!
but we were really full, we were stuffing ourselves.

haha finally in the evening got to do some chem
did abit of atomic structure.
it was fine.
tidied the place abit and left at about 8.30+
when mummy's ward staff all dropped by to visit her.

I'm really glad mummy's recovering!
Very soon she'd be back home, can't wait!
Hope all goes fine, and she doesn't experience much pain after the numbness is gone.
Take care mummy!
We all love you!

And you take care too Nisha!
Everything will be all right, don't worry(:

Sometimes I wish I could save you
There is so many things I want you to know;

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