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Sunday, March 30, 2008

i learnt a lesson recently.

hard work doesnt always reap good results. sometimes, you work so hard, and then nobody seems to appreciate what you've down and you realised what you have worked hard or, what you really really wanted, all has gone to waste. i'm refering to a particular thing that happened recently.

i dont wish to elaborate. you guys know what i mean.


anyway, good luck for sorkalam debators. we are sure gonna rock down sorkalam, yeah? :D and even if we dont get in to the finals, dont feel sad, cos we all know how hard you guys have prepared for, and reaching the semi-finals stage that will be telecasted on tv is really a big big honour for both the school and you guys. so, go give it your best! :D
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

cleared tribune cupboard with karen, yuqing, julia, selene and pam today. saw this piece of paper, which contains alot of meaning.an abstract of it :
[italised some stuff, that i feel strongly about.]

Because love is patient...
Help me to be slow to judge, but quick to listen.
Hesitant to criticise, but eager to encourage, remembering your endless patience with me.

Because love is kind...
Help me to be gentle and my actions to be thoughtful.
Remind me to simle and to say "Please" and "Thank You" because those little things still mean so much.

Because love does not envy or boast, and it is not proud...
Help me have a heart that is humble and sees the good in others.
May I celebrate and appreciate all that I have and all that I am, as well as doing the same for those around me.

Because love is not rude or self-seeking...
Help me to speak words that are easy on the ear and on the heart.
When I'm tempted to get wrapped up in my own little world, remind me there's a big world out there full of needs and hurts.

Because love is not easily angered and keeps no record of wrongs...
Help me to forgive others as you have forgiven me.
When I want to hold onto a grudge, gently help me release it so I can reach out with a hand of love instead.

Bcause love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth...
Help me stand up for what is right and good.
May I defencd the defenseless and help the helpless. Show me how I can make a differece.

Because love always protects and always trusts...
Help me to be a refuge for those around me.
When the world outside is harsh and cold, may my heart be a place of acceptance and warmth.

Finally because love always perseveres...
Help my heart continually beat with love for You and others. Thank you for showing me what the word really means. Amen

I think it's a really good one. Means really alot. Go reflect, and you'll get what I mean. :D

oh and a quote

"my brain is like a drawer. need to sort it out at times" - long jian. [at least he said something like this] haha i think it's a cute analogy though.

and yeah, my life needs some serious sorting up and arranging too, now that it's super screwed. with alot of stuff.
Sunday, March 23, 2008


and there IS something to celebrate, for this post.


yeah man, i knew we'd rock and you guys could do it. my premonition proved right again, and i did foresee we'll get in :D oh and i was sure glad that i came down for the quarter finals to support, cos the round of RGS vs CHONG BOON proved something really important:


yeah, we had like 12 supporters, but AWESOME people, and it was kinda scary to see like the whole chong boon indian kootam to come and support. and we still won! :D oh, and congrats chong boon; you guys did really well too! :D

butttt, even if strength does not come in numbers, it DOES play a role in offering moral support to our dear debators. so rg ics people, PLEASE come and support rg in the semi finals against deyi! :D [yeah, it'll be broadcasted on tv]

okay next, haha let me talk about the cheering part. haha cos we were like really really nervous+anticipated+excited when the results were like about to be announced. oh and razia got best speaker. CONGRATS RAZIA! :D

okay back to the point, apparently the winning school was supposed to like stand up and cheer till the camera man says stop. so when they were like announcing rg, we were super super elated and were cheering our heads of like anything haha. :D

oh and we decided to cheer some raffles cheers, the say ra-ra-ra-raffles, say ra-ra-ra-raffles, say ra-ra-ra raflles, *clap* *clap* *clap* RAFFLES. haha so, the camera person found it fascinating, so he asked us to like take center stage and do it again, facing the camera cos he wanted to video it [and broadcast it?]. hahaha, and yeah man we were LOW and LOUD. [remember, RGS girls and their LOW growls?]

well, there was something that me and some others were disappointed about from the quarter finals yesterday.

i hope this does not offend anyone, cos i dont mean to. i'm not really accusing anyone here, but some schools can just be not-so-sporty players? well, yesterday while we were waiting for the debators to be done with their debrief, we were hanging out outside the 'theater'. yeah, and like a few metres from where we were, we witnessed an ongoing 'debate'. the teacher of like chong boon sec, and some other sec school was expressing her disappointment of the debate. it was perfectly fine, but it involved us. they were like arguing and complaining that the judges were unfair, how could both rg and ri get into semi finals, and about if they keep letting us win, when would they get a chance and all. overall, they just wanted to get in and were accusing that the debate was biased. oh well, the schools DID get their chance, right? oh and i'll never forget this statement, "next year, we will definitely kick RGS out of the competition. DEFINITELY" [directly translated from tamil] well, i mean even if rg lost this round, we would not be like filled with so much angst to accuse the judges and all. i know we'll be sad, but we'll work harder? oh well.

okay, that's about it for this post. till then wait for me next time, and wish RG debators good luck in the next round of the debate. whatever the result is of the debate, we'll be proud of you guys, and of rg ics debate! :D
Sunday, March 2, 2008

hey. long time no blog. usual.

i realised the gap between pri sch frends and me is getting bigger. we're all getting busier, but i guess sometimes we must take a break and recall the wonderful memories.

had a convo with LIM jiayi <3 just now. seemed a long time back since we had an informal chat like this. haha, you'll know what i mean; see my printscreens.

heck it doesnt load now. nvm, some other day. meanwhile, here's something coped from FELLY dear's blog. :D It's really meaningful, yeah! (:

God said: I miss talking with you.

I said: What? I just prayed on Sunday.

How often do you talk with Katie?

I dunno.

Think about it.

Well, OK. Let's see . . . we usually hang together before school, then we have English and math together. And — oh yeah — we've got study hall together in the afternoon. And lunch, I forgot about lunch. We eat lunch together every day.

So how often do you talk with Katie?

I guess all the time. We call each other a few times during the week to check on homework stuff. And we instant-message a lot in the evenings when we're both on the computer. I'd say we pretty much talk all the time. After all, she is my best friend!

How often do you talk with Me?

I don't know.

Think about it.

Sigh. Well . . . on Sundays at church — and at youth group. You know.

I'd love to talk with you more.

But God, I already give You chitchat time.

I want more than chitchat. I'd like for you to tell Me everything.


Why not? I already know what you're thinking anyway.

Yeah. And that's just it! If You know everything, what's the big deal about me having to talk with You?

Having to talk? Hmmm. I was hoping it would be more of an enjoyment instead of an obligation.

Ah, You know what I mean.

You're right, I do. And that's exactly what hurts Me. Most of the time when you speak with Me, it's because you feel you're supposed to, or it's because your back is against the wall and you need help — fast.

I didn't know You felt that way.

My child, I paid the highest price I could pay for you. I long to be with you and to hear you voice your thoughts, your joys, your tears, your loneliness, your victories.

Well, OK. If it really means that much to You. But I still don't get this prayer thing. If You already know what I'm going to say before I even say it, what's the point in telling You?

It's the process.


Remember last week when Katie took first place in the track meet?
Sure! I remember. Boy, was she excited!

Yes. And you were, too.

Well, yeah. I am her best friend. You know.

But you actually heard about it before Katie told you.

Oh, yeah! Jason told me before I even saw Katie.

But when Katie rushed to you, waving her ribbon, you were just as happy and proud for her as if you were hearing the news for the first time.


That's friendship. That's relationship. That's love. Would you have wanted her to keep the news from you because you already knew?

No way! I love it when Katie gets excited. Her face lights up with that crooked grin, and her eyes glow like sparklers.

I feel the same way.


I not only love for you to tell Me everything — I can't wait to hear it!

I think I'm starting to understand.

I'm not finished with Katie yet.


Yeah. Let's keep talking about your friendship for just a bit longer.


The more you two share (secrets, giggles, notes), and the more you two do (trips together, youth group parties, football games), the closer you become.

So it's doing stuff that makes us such great friends, right?

Partly right. But I really want you to think about this, OK?


It's also the p-r-o-c-e-s-s.

I'm thinking.

The time invested in sharing and doing.

Yeah. I get it. We're sort of investing ourselves in each other's lives.

Exactly. And your friendship is growing because of it.

Yeah! Cool.

Do you hear what I'm saying?

Keep talking. I'm listening, God. I really am. I want to get this.

Your relationship with Me is pretty static right now.


Yeah. Dull. Boring.

I didn't think You noticed stuff like that.

I'm God, remember?

Oh, yeah.

But it doesn't have to be static. Don't forget. I died so we could have a relationship — an exciting, fun relationship, not a boring one.

Well, what can I do?

Spend more time with Me. Talk to Me. When you cry, let Me wipe your tears. When you ace a history exam, share your good news with Me. When Lisa snubs you in the hallway, tell Me how bad it hurts. I want our relationship to grow.
Wow. Lord, I've never even thought of all that. I mean, why would You be so interested in my everyday, ordinary life?

Because I love you. Oh, how I love you!

Jesus, I'm sorry. I've pretty much left You on the shelf. I mean, yeah, I go to church, and I even read my Bible at times, and people know I'm a Christian. But You want me to grow in You too, and I haven't been — I've been static, just like You said. Will You forgive me?

I forgive you.

Jesus, I want to have a best-friend, Lord-of-Lords relationship with You. I want You to own me and consume me.

Yes! That's what I want, too. And you know what?


I love the way you're praying right now.

Praying? I'm not praying. We're just talking.

Yeah. And that's exactly what prayer is.

I get it.

Open, honest, consistent communication.
I can't wait till tomorrow morning.

Why's that?

I'm going to get up early and pray.

You don't have to wait till tomorrow morning. Talk to Me when you get up at 1:30 a.m. to go to the bathroom.


Sure! And at 3 a.m. when you're tossing in bed and scrunching your pillow.

Hey! How'd You know I always? . . . Oh, yeah, You're God.


Well, in that case, how about hanging out right now? I've got some stuff I need to talk with You about.

Great. This is the moment I've been waiting for.+

sometimes, we're too busy with our lives that we have no time for God. But God is and will always be our companion if we really need someone to talk to. He's always there for us, anytime; anwhere! (: