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innocentlyguiltyvicky @blogspot.com ♥
Thursday, January 31, 2008

Yay, i'm back!


Okay, now a photo update on prezzies! :D Anyways, it's the THOUGHT that counts, YEAH! :D


BELGIUM chocs from JACLYN TAY! thanks LOADS JACLYN! :DDDDDD <33333

dear little and nicccce anabelle koong gave me THIS! :D

AND MY WONDERFUL FRIEND, ALDREA LEONG gave this chocolate! yay aldrea <333

my fellow wonderful tribuner aka nice frend aka photoshop expert aka FANTABULOUS KAREN gave me this cool anf funkayye packet of gummies! :D <3

yay, from my darling deskmate cum mugging mate in sec 1, IVANA! :D &&& MORE CHOCOLATES!!!! :DDDDD

& this from my fellow v.chair, aka ms southeastasia, aka ADE! :D

winnie the pooh! - from fellow ino-ers, kinnari and lavanya! (:

from xinyi(110'080)! (:

and my eight-year-long-friend since P1, aka sindhuja gave me..THIS! :D

from smrithi, the oldest in 207! :D

this is from ziyu jie! yay i'm as old as you are now jie!

Prezzie from ELAINE dear :D

Thanks loads people for all the prezzies, well wishes and all. It's the thought that counts and thanks for making me feel special, unique and especially remembered by all of you guys on my once-a-year day! :D

I'M OFFICIALLY FOURTEEN! Started counting down for this like 3 months ago. COUNTDOWNS are indeed fast okay! (:

yeah, thanks to all these people who wished me exactly on the dot,and many others who gave me advanced wishes:

- ms sexy hot babe, AARTHI <3
- my dear dear p6 NICCCE classmate, LIM JIAYI <3
- my dear thinkquest group mate, RUIXUAN <3
- my greeaaattt tribune v.chair, JIAYING <3
- my wonderful 107'07 v.chair, GRACE TAN <3, who was supposed to go off at 11.55pm and I dragged her on!
- my sister's friend, PEI YING <3, and for all her well wishes

and not forgetting,
- our dear PSB vice-chair 2007, aka 107'07 PSL, who HAPPENS TO SHARE THE SAME BDAE AS ME, TAMMY <3


AND ALL THOSE WHO WISHED ME AN ADVANCED BDAE in one way or another! Thanks loads guys!

And thanks for making my 13th year a wonderful one! <333!


Now, give me my prezzies! :P

lol kidding!
Monday, January 14, 2008

heyyos people (: time for an update.

school has been great so far. workload is starting to pour in though. expected.

today's lit lesson was so so exceptionally funny and i laughed till i cried and had hiccups a couple of times. no, not the teacher, because of group work. aarthi, the usual funniest member of the group, was up to usual nonsense. no offence, aarthi.
Okay apparently we were supposed to write a haiku(5-7-5) and tanka (5-7-5-7-7)about poetry, if i am not wrong, during lit lesson and discuss it as a group.

okay so, what my wonderful group did was laughing away with random phrases of haiku sentences, such as "obama or osama; george bush or hitler" and stuff. In the end we wanted something FIERY. Lols. The haiku we managed to write:

Cool and blue it flows
Reflects a burning passion
A secret unveiled

Cool right? Okay the funny part is when it came to the tanka. i have no idea who started it okay. In the end, after terrible laughter with people falling off chairs, we aarthi, ade and smrithi came up with one. I am innocent okay!
It is:

Poetry is bliss
Come and give me a hot kiss
When you come dont hiss
Melting like hot chocolate
Literature, you are bliss


Haha at that time when we wrote this, we were laughing like mad idiots, when our lit teacher, Ms De Silva (new lit teacher taking over mrs clara tan. she's a relief teacher), came and saw what was written. The conversation:

MS DE SILVA: so what have you guys written so far?
GROUP: (covers the tanka, laughing)
AARTHI: Nvm, let's just show our creativity la.
ME: Please, no wrong intentions
MS DE SILVA: (reads it, shocked) you guys are too young for this.
AARTHI: (decribing VERY vividly) no, i mean we have a really STRONG passion for literature, and through this tanka, which is so romantic, it is expressed. See our CREATIVITY
MS DE SILVA: You people ahhh!
GROUP: Aarthi is the youngest here. we are seated according to our birthdays.
GROUP: (laugh like anything)
MS DE SILVA: but what is mrs tan sees it?
AARTHI: we'll be able to explain it.
MS DE SILVA: Now that you guys have done, write another one.
AARTHI: No problem, we'll write another PASSIONATE one.
AARTHI: No la, just kidding. We'll be serious.
MS DE SILVA: Okay. I'll come back again.

HAHAS, and then we broke up laughing. Then we had a random caht when aarthi suddenly mentioned that she actually thinks that short people SHOULD model, cos if they got the figure, they can model well. LOLS. Then she said of how she wanted to start a modelling agency. criteria:below the height of 1.6m and we were like, aarthi, you model for the teapot industry ah? ROFLOL. Then we were telling joey, about aarthi's modelling agency and we were like, criteria number 2, you need to know how to stand like a teapot cos the theme song is gna be, I'm a little teapot short and stout. HAHAS!!!

Anyway, we came up with a PROPER tanka at last, AND IT STILL HAS SHAKESPEARE AND HITLER! This is REALLY creative okay!

Shakespeare or Hitler
Both have impacted the world
Poetry or War
Drop of hope in sea of war
Provides light when hope is lost.

LOL, if you look at it in the surface meaning, it means, during war people are reading shakespeare's work like MERCHANT OF VENICE. Hahas. can you imagine if the people are like, run run, the soldiers are coming and bla, and you will be like, NONONO, I want to know what happened to Portia! LOLLLLLL!

And we asked Ms De Silva what she wants to be when she grows up (our favourite question for all our relief teachers haha). She said she doesnt know and we were telling her about aarthi's modelling ambition. HAHAS, and someone said that aarthi will be the advertiser for TRIUMPH. LOL!

All I can say it was a funny lesson with me hicupping often from all the laughter and a possibly sick and CREATIVE lesson (in AARTHI's perspective). HAHAS!

How'd I wish school had so much fun like this. [NOT IN THE SICK SENSE]. Livens the day up! (:

And on a sidenote, I feel so guilty. I have not been keeping in touch that much with my dear Rulang friends. D: Realised it when I spoke to LIM JIAYI after a long time ytd, AND SHE STILL REMEMBERS MY BIRTHDAY! YAY JIAYI! <3333 I hope I can still keep in touch with them, cos they mainly made up my primary part of my life. (:

Okay, that's about it. Wait for the next update (:

Take care peeps! <333
Saturday, January 5, 2008

hey peeps!

I know this is a bit late, but better late than never.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! and all the best for the [hopefully] wonderful year ahead.

School has started. So far so good. It has finally sunk in me that we're already sec 2s with all those little ones looking up to us (: And somehow, it seems like a big responsibility. Haha, maybe this is just the starting. And yeah, 207'08 rocks like totally mannn! <3333

I really dont know what sec 2 is gonna be like. Just my impression I have in mind is : it's gonna be harder than sec one (duh), and there's no time to slack. Hopefully I reduce procrastination this year, cos though procrastination rocks for a while, it sucks overall.

All I can say is, looking forward to a [hopefully] positive year ahead! (: