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Friday, November 30, 2007

hey peeps!

yea yea, i know. long long time since i blogged. i guess time for updates, yea! holidays are like, passing by super fast and i guess i am the only one stuck at home not going anywhere for the holidays. oh well.

main reason why i am not really blogging much : nothing interesting's been happening in my life. the same boring routine over and over again. oh well, maybe there HAVE been interesting stuff, but yea as usual YOURS SINCERELY dont find them interesting.

i miss 6R'06 like alot and alot. the times we had together and stuff. yea people, sorry for the cancellation in the 6R outing. cos you see, i coincidentally went to the rink and happened to see that it was like closed on the day we are supposed to have the outing. and it was like only 2days+ before the outing, so i tried my best to inform as may people as possible. we'll sure organise another one, same place, same day, but only the date changed yeah. most probably on 19dec or 26dec. will keep you guys updated. sorry for all the inconvenience caused. heh.

somehow, i still cant believe we are gonna be like sec twos next year. i mean in paper it's easy to believe and stuff, but i guess reality hasnt struck me yet. haha i respond quite late to these stuff.

i tried tidying my table,but dint manage to. have been trying for a long long long time, but somehow the mess just doesnt seem tempting to err...clear?

sorry people, i am trying to cut down on movies and hanging out with you guys and stuff, cos i am super broke. have spent alot and alot and alot during these holidays. but hey, this doesnt mean you guys dont get birthday presents. i'll still try to get them yeah.

hmm, i somehow am expecting alot of rulangnites to come to rg next year. i mean like dsa already about 4 got in? and psle scores are like WHOA. haha i can imagine turning every corner of the school and see someone familiar. oh well.

plan to slack less and work harder next year, cos i realised i was super super lazy in year one. i hope la. somehow i dont seem the stick to my plans. haha, coming up halfway of my new year resolution list. i guess i need to make alot more sacrifices next year. shant elaborate. but yeah.

that's how life continues going on and on and on and stuff. as the days pass, somehow you feel they become shorter and faster. but yea, the less time you have, the more you accomplish stuff. which is somewhat a good thing?

and yeah, 62 MORE DAYS to you-know-what! *hint hint*


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

BOO! blogging again. you guys better thank KAREN for this. yeah. cos she tagged me to do a quiz, and i missed quizzes. so i'll do yeah!

Tagged by KAREN! <3

Name one person who made you laugh last night.
My younger sis?

What were you doing at 0800?
My usual lazing around within the first hour of my waking up :X

What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
uhm, trying to do something about the mess on my table(s).
[this is the exact thing I will be saying if you ask me the exact question ONE WEEK ago. -.-]

What happened to you in 2006?
loads! uhm, mainly last year in rulang ):

What was the last thing you said out loud?
"Wait mum! I'm coming" to my mum.
[but i OBVIOUSLY ended up going like ages later -.-]

How many beverages did you have today?
One, milo. (:

What color is your hairbrush?
RED for TARBET. <33333

What was the last thing you paid for?
Dinner last night. For my family. (:

Where were you last night?
At home. DUH

What color is your front door?
WHITE! :D for peace?
[i promote world peace!]

Where do you keep your change?
change compartment in my wallet. like duh? where else can I keep it?

What’s the weather like today?
FINE! :D For once, it didnt rain today!
[oh well, in the WEST that is]

What’s the best ice-cream flavor?
i dont mind anything. seriously.

What excites you?
randoming and crapping and being lame?

Do you want to cut your hair?
nope. cos my hair will be a total DISASTER if it's short.
[it already is. -.-]

Are you over the age of 25?
Yeah. Right, believe me.
[I know people who will. the people at GV!]

Do you talk a lot?
NO. I SWEAR I DONT. oh well, you guys know me MUCH better. *winks*

Do you watch the O.C.?

Do you know anyone named Steven?
Steven Covey from uhm..."the 7 habits of highly effective people?"

Do you make up your own words?
yes, if you count the alphabet hunt during tribune chalet! xD

Are you a jealous person?
nope. i feel happy for others yeah (:

Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘A’.
Aldrea! <3, Ade [that's TWO!]

Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘K’.
KAREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <333333333333333333333333333 wheeeeee~

Who’s the first person on your received call list?
secret. =X

What does the last text message you received say?
'hey. remember to inform me of your sis psle result tmr! i really really hope she can get into rg!' - from a certain friend :)

Do you chew on your straw?
yeah sometimes.

Do you have curly hair?
Yep. I dont mind it though.

Where’s the next place you’re going to?

Who’s the rudest person in your life?
I dont consider much people as rude. actually i dont at all. so i seriously dont know.

What was the last thing you ate?
chicken curry for lunch! :D

Will you get married in the future?
we'll see when the time comes, cos this is a really hard question yeah. (:

What’s the best movie you’ve seen in the past 2 weeks?
THE BEE MOVI! watched with rui xuan and long jian (: it rocked, TOTALLY.

*quoted from rx:*

Cow: How come a mosquito can be a lawyer?
Mooseblood: I'm already a bloodsucking parasite, all I need is a briefcase!



Is there anyone you like right now?
My family and frenz? And everyone who mean something to me, no matter how big or small. <3 (:

When was the last time you did the dishes?

Are you currently depressed?
nope. yay! ~~

Did you cry today?

Why did you answer and post this?
Because KAREN tagged me!!!!!! I did it FOR karen. LOL!

Tag 5 people who would do this survey.
rui xuan, kinnari, shieu huei, christine CHEAH, and uhm anyone else who sees this xD

that's about it yeah! BYE!
Sunday, November 11, 2007

hello. i am blogging again, after some time. you must be honoured kay, to read that i am blogging again. (: As t have told to most of you who have be incessantly buggingthe reason why i am not updating, is mainly my desperate need for inspiration. Oh well, this doesnt mean i have gotten inspiration. It just means that i have nothing better to do yeah.

okay, so for what have happened so far is:
1)107 Ice Skating Outing
2)Net Carn 07

dont feel like blogging about any of those for now. no inspiration to. but man, i had a great time kay! yeah, so just take the hint yeah.

sometimes, i wonder why certain things happen. are they all for a reason? i still dont know. oh well, life is always like that. you never know what happen, but there is always a reason, just that you arent aware.

yeah, which reminds me of an incident. you see, my family has this fryer that is not in use anymore, and we left it outside our house. and then a few days back, when me and my mum were leaving to the temple, we saw this sight of like a burnt fryer. it was super shocking yeah. beside it was this cigarette box. apparently, someone tried to start a fire, and just left it like that and left. good thing that the fryer is not able to burn, but melt, so it melted until a certain point and stopped. i wonder what would have happened, if the fryer was able to burn. i am confused. who would do such a thing to us? i mean, it may be some prank. but who knows, the world is such that you dont know who are those waiting to revenge you. *sigh*

yeah, i gtg soon now. that's about it for now. (: take care, yeah?


ps:karen, i'll blog about you on another post, cos i know i am gna blog alot, so i need time :D