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innocentlyguiltyvicky @blogspot.com ♥
Saturday, October 27, 2007

hey people!

Firstly, I want to apologise about yestersay. I heard from my sisters that a couple of people called me at 9pm++ yesterday night and didnt believe I was sleeping. Actually, I WAS sleeping. Too tired yesterday..slept from 6pm to 12 midnight and stayed awake the whole day..Haha, actually like that for the past few days. My sleeping schedule has become SCREWED. And I JUST woke up, AGAIN.

Today was a fun day after our thinkquest meeting...but on top of being broke, I spent loads of money and am currently in $35 debts, with all my savings COMPLETELY wiped out. Coincidentally, met other 6R people..YAY! long time since we saw them. Then went to ice skating ring at JEC. Was really cool. After that, checked out all the prices for 6R '06 gathering and 107'07 gathering...and chit chatted.

Anyway,I want to praise 107 for something:


Yeah, 107'07 is INDEED more than <3333333333333333333!

So is 6R'06! (:
Sunday, October 21, 2007

Okay, to kill the boredom I am currently experiencing, I shall do a quiz. Oh well, I am just too bored.

Was tagged by Karen!<3333

List out your Top 5 Birthday Presents Which You Wish For: (in no particular order)
[I am NOT fussy abt bdae presents anyway (:]

1. Health (oh well, I am forever falling sick)
2. A better year ahead (well, as compared to this year)
3. Crumpler~~
4. CSI DVDs <333
5. Photoshop CS3!

1. The person who tagged you was: KAREN <333
2. Your relationship with him/her is?
CCA mates, person whom I always rant about _____ to x)
3. Your 5 impressions of him/her?
always highhh, smarrrrt, nicccccce, loyal, greatt!
4. Most memorable thing he/she has done for you?
Loads to say memorable...but I guess the time she hugged me before the exams, as I was not feeling too good, and cheering me up
5. Most memorable words she has said to you?
Can't exactly remember...says LOADS of encouraging stuff
6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will?
well, talk about it when she becomes then... xD
7. If he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be?
Well, nothing much...but I guess, GOING OFFLINE TOO SOON. She must stay loooonger online.
8. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will?
Well...she WONT. I an bet you that.
9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be?
criticising her love for Bleach? well, i dno...
10. The thing you desire to do most for him/her would be?
Show her how much I appreciate her friendship and encouragements! <333
11. Overall impression of him/her?
12. How do you think people around you will feel about you?
Urm, CHOCOLATE lover? Cos I seem to be FOREVER eating chocolates when I talk/chat with her.
13. A character trait you love about yourself?
I don't cry(as in literally) easily, and I don't hold grudges/revenge
14. A character trait you hate about yourself?
NOT ENOUGH SLEEP. well, ALOT of people nag at me for this.
15. Person you want to be?
myself yeah!
16. Say something to the people who care for you!
Welll, you people are great...and I will ALWAYS <33333 you'll?

17. Pass this quiz to 10 people to know what they feel about you. in no particular order...

Like Karen said, I shall take this as list 10 people who are OBVIOUSLY dying of boredom and wouldn't mind this quiz (:

1. lavanya R!
2. ade!
3. josie!
4. christine CHEAH!
5. kinnari!
6. rui xuan!
7. lihui!
8. aarthi!
9. shieu huei!
10. RAMYA! <3 !

Who is #6 [rui xuan] having a relationship with?
oh well...i dont know yeah. [she'll prolly kill me if I tell even if I know]
Is #9 [shieu huei] a male or female?
If #7 [lihui] and #10 [ramya] are together, will it be a good thing?
urm, together as friends? I guess they will be okay?
How about #8 [aarthi] and #5 [kinnari]?
What is #2 [ade] studying about?
oh well, how to be a better 'miss southeastasian ambassador'? jkjk [ade, dont kill me]
When was the last you talked to #3 [josie]?
today, online....about the class tee.
What kind of music does #8 [aarthi] like?
urm, ROCK songs, that involves alot of butt-shaking? LOL!
Does #1 [lavanya R] have any siblings?
Yeah, a younger bro, who apparently shares the smae birthday as ME! (:
Will you woo #3?
wtv for?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
How about #7 [lihui]?
well, I am not what you think.
Is #4 [christine] single?
NO SHE ISNT. jkjk (chris, DONT kill me) well, she IS single (: 13, what you expect?!
What's #5[kinnari]'s surname?
sahita i think
How about #10[ramya]'s?
ramaswami? (my grandad's name!)
#4[christine]'s hobby?
robotics? i think so...
Do #5[kinnari] and #9[lihui] get along?
I doubt they dno each other...
Where does #2[ade] study at?
All over SEA, currently on vacation break-cum-schooling in RG. xDDD
Say something casual about #1[;avanya]?
heyhey! ({
Have you tried developing feelings about #8[aarthi]?
well, why should I!?!?! she's a nice frend (:
Where does #9[shieu huei] live?
Boon Lay?
Are #5[kinnari] and 1#[lavanya] best friends?
Does #7[lihui] like #2[ade]?
they dont know each other, but if they do, i am sure lihui will like ade as a NICE frend. (: (ade, see, I am still NICE to you}
How did you get to know #2[ade]?
RG 107'07 DUH, I am a SPORE ambassador too. So I know ambassadors like HER. jkjk x}
Does #1[lavanya] have any pets?
no?...unless she treats her bro as a pet. (:
Is #7[lihui] the sexiest person in the world?

Well, that's about it. And you can do the quiz also, if you are BORED like ME. (: Take care and seeya! <333

okay, i guess i shall blog about pics from loooooong ago. random pictures yeah (: [too lazy to write captions...you can think up your own ones! (:]

so yeah. that's about it. might blog later, to kill time(:

sometimes, we see most things clearly when we are looking through our tears.
Saturday, October 20, 2007

I totally feel nothing. This week has come and gone. I still feel nothing, regardless of what results I get. I don't see the big fuss over it.

I can't be bothered of my results actually Oh well, maybe I DO bother, like trying my best and all, but I don't have any emotions like, "Oh wow! I improved ALOT since last MYAs", or "I should have tried harder. I wonder how am I gonna tell my mum". Maybe, I do feel this, but yeah, I think I have become numb to all these. Maybe I have become numb to emotions as a whole, especially after so much that has happened in the course of this year.

This year is certainly one that made me see the challenges in life, the starting journey of a teenager. I have certainly learnt alot indeed, and there have been quite a number of lesson-learning incidents that have made me stronger as a person. And I also have turned into one, who can't be bothered of what others think of you, and just be what you are. Trust me, have confidence in yourself, have faith in yourself and BELIEVE in yourself. It helps, don't be a person that you are expected to be or you expect yourself to be, just be yourself. It gives you less troubles.

And yeah, a little late greeting to my dear Aldrea, whose birthday was yesterday. Sorry Aldrea, I was too tired to blog ytesterday.


To Aldrea : You are a very very special girl. You are not growing older, you are getting better. Don't underestimate yourself, and like I said earlier, just believe in yourself, have confidence and faith. Even if your hardwork, determination and peseverance is not paid of today, it definitely will some other day. Just JIAYOU and never give up. You won't if you believe you can. Whether you believe you can or you can't you are always right. Leave all your problems to Him, for when He brings you to it, He will bring you through it. (: And remember : What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. I hope you heed my little advice for your birthday, well I guess it will help you alot. (:

And for all those who are worrying and depressed over exams, just remember, this is NOT the end of the world. Show that you are sorry by working hard for next year, yeah? Chill, people!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Yeah, people, I know I am super late....but who cares? I STILL WATCHED IT KAY! Haha, an accomplishment...should blog about Sunday

Sunday the most interesting thing that happened is, I went out with Aldrea to shop for her birthday present! Yeah, actually she was like talking to me on the phone whether I can go out with her after her service. Then I was like, what is your church name, and she was like Jurong Christian Church, the one in Jurong. Then I start going OMG!OMG!OMG! cos it was like right beside my house haha. So I had to meet her at her church, but she was still eating in the hawker centre with her church mates, so I went there yeah (:

We went to JP first, collecting all the brochures on the way haha. I was asking aldrea to collect as well then she was like why. Then I told her, because they only earn their money when they give the whole set finish. Haha, so we collected the brochures, flyers, etc and dumped them in the next dustbin. Went looking for keychains, but not interesting haha. So we went to wallet shop to admire the stuff there for a while, before we went to Westmall. Yeah, WESTMALL. Haha, and my dear fickle minded Aldrea could not decide which keychain she wants, took SOOO long to decide and stuff. And then we went to BK before going home?

Yeah, that was mainly about sunday....rahhh I didn't know these 5 days can be THIS boring. rahhh, then how can I survive the REAL holidays which are like...2months++? But boredom is way much welcomed then stress yeah? haha!

That reminds me, I better go start hog's work cos I have not done anything MUCH.

Okay, see you all guys soon! (:
Sunday, October 14, 2007


Wishes means inlclusive of gaining more weight eh? You must gain 5kg by the end of this same time next year. JIAYOU!

Finally, we are in the same boat. (though I am moving on in err...3-4 months time?)

Put all your worries aside and dont worry too much eh? Come, cheer up and smile...you surely wouldnt't want to be sad throughout the whole year round, or rather YOURS SINCERELY would not want you to be sad right. Cheer up bud!

I still remember our primary school days and how I used to squeeeeeze you Haha! I will always remember your birthday every year and wish you every year. So yeah (:

And here's a little nice sweet message for a little nice sweet friend :

I just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday and to let you know that you are not alone. Should you need someone to lean on, I will be here for you. In this world, where everything seems uncertain, only one thing is definite. You'll always be my friend, beyond words, beyond time and beyond distance.

And I mean it. (: <333
Wednesday, October 10, 2007

You were someone who never hesitated when it came to sacrifice for your pupils. Your birthday will always be remembered and celebrated, just like always. We will always love you, and will live on with your memories. You were always there, with a big smile, and making our days, just by the little smile. I will always remember those little deeds you did that impacted our lives greatly, now that you are no longer around. Though it's a loss, there you are up there with Allah's care and love. Stay smiling always, and bless all of us.

I LOVE YOU! <333

Rest in Peace
Ms Diana, 04 0ct 2007
The teacher who loved and was loved.

"You were a teacher who gave, and got. You were always cheerful. Til now, the only image I can remember of you is you smiling. You have gone to a better place now, rest in peace and bless all your pupils." quoted from Rui Xuan.

Rui Xuan, I totally agree with you. Let's all move on, and there she will be watching over us, like our guardian angel.

PS: I prayed to God and blessings from her before my EYAs, and everything went on well. Thanks Ms Diana, for all the support you have given me! (:

I think I am beginning to accept it; though sometimes I feel that I cant face it.

see, proof that I am awake studying CHINESE. Rahh, I intended not to sleep tonight, but fell asleep in front of com. So frustrated with myself....And I am done with Chem! Yay! Rahhh, exams is in like 3h time and I am STILL awake. Hopefully I dont fall asleep and doze off....

That's for now, I need to get back into MUGGING. Bye!

PS: I so love Aldrea so much for talking to me last night and making me feel better.Aldrea, I DO have the strength to carry on, and I WILL do it! (: <333
Sunday, October 7, 2007

hello people. I am mugging history now, cos I did nothing for thapast two days. I couldnt concentrate and got easily distracted because of what happened. So now, I gotto chiong everything and tang. Rahhhh! I intend to learn all the notes by 12 midnight. Haha, talking to my dear aldrea now on the phone. teaching her how to study history by just visualising. Hey, it's true. Visualisation helps okay. It rocks okay. you dont have to memorise when you visualise. haha, i find aldrea super cute. Lol! Okay, gotto go on now and mug. Good luck for EYAs people.

I still have not accepted it yet. I guess I just need time.
Saturday, October 6, 2007

it has still not sunken in that I wont get to see her again. I still cant believe the harsh reality. I still cant accept it and I dont want to accept it...I dont have a choice, do I? I guess, I will have to wait for time to work its wonders, to allow me to be willing to accept the fact...


A message to the dearly departed : Rest in Peace. You will always be a part of all of us.

When I first heard the news from lingzhi, I was like, errr...really?! omg?! Lingzhi was like yes. I could not believe it. I did not want to hear it. I could not accept it. Without me knowing, I started crying. I mean, how can't I cry? It was just shocking and too sudden. Plus, it's the wrong time too. Hari Raya is just round the corner, plus her birthday is like in 4 days time. We can't do anything much...we don't control fate. But let's all think this way : She's in a better place now, up there. Looking on the positive side, I remember my mum once saying, malays believe that if they pass away during the fasting month, their souls will be blessed and go to Allah, or something like that. It's just that God needed another angel up there, an angel to be chosen for his garden. So yeah, let's all pray for her; for Him to take care of her.

Everytime I think of her, I remember that she was one who always kept smiling...and she was one of the bestest and nicest teachers. I remember once after Cluedo school challenge, she needed to attend one of her good friend's weddings and it was like raining real heavily. She delayed her friend's wedding, just to drop us at our homes so that we wouldn't be caught in the rain. I just wonder and pity how all those little kids in her form class will react. They are young; they might not know much. Poor things.

This is like my first time I have experienced a passing away of one who was somewhat close to me. I believe, because of that and the fact that we were her first students, the news had hit me quite hard. And I need the strength to carry on. Eventhough it might take some time, I believe that this whole thing as whole will make me stronger as a person. I know I have to meet more stuff like that in my life...it's just a matter of time. But yeah, she and memories of her will still linger, and be part of us.

Yeah, and I think I better start appreciating all those around me and tell them how much I love them, before....it is too late. Yeah people, I love all of you guys. <333

Once again, Rest in Peace.


Monday, October 1, 2007

Heyy people!

Haha, I am back again. Yeah, and HAPPY CHILDREN'S DAY to all you guys out there. It is so fun to remain as a kid, where you are so carefree, last minute and all. I miss those times. Being a teenager is challenging, new obstacles and you tend to face stuff that you have never experienced. Which is like a 'wow' feeling. And you are stronger as a teen. Honestly (:

I was reflecting on how I have changed over this year. I think I have changed alot. I have grown more as an individual, and RGS has moulded me to a more mature person. At least that's what my ex-classmates say. I think I agree. I finally see the point of the naggings of mum and hog last year to mug, mug and mug for psle, to revise, to go through all mistakes. All those incessant naggings. I finally see the point. It's mainly to get into a good secondary school, where they mould you...mould you to your fullest.

Being a teenager has been challenging. But my peers were always there for me...we were all experiencing the same phase of being a teenager, and I guess being in a girls' school made us open up to each other more. We went through this journey of sec one, the first year in sec sch together. 107, the <3, we had all been together this year, went through all the thick and thin moments, those sweet and sour bits of life, and though we had quite a number of not-so-good moments, I guess they are just experiences....experiences that teach you valuable life lessons, experiences that make sure you wont repeat them, and experiences that make you grow up. Yeah, all these are the little bits that mould us all together as an individual.

And yeah, for the change in the number of subjects, as well as the revision and work load...well, we all adapted to it yeah? It is amazing to see how we have survived this 9 months, with all the year one work done, and waiting to cross the next maze to the second level - the EYAs. Haha, time really flies fast. Orientation seems so yesterday, but it is way after yesterday. I guess, all these are part and parcel of our lives...

And soon, we will all be seniors, whom the next batch of sec ones will look forward too. And also, we will be taking up new positions in CCA, etc, and also, we will be angels to our cute little sec one mortals. Haha, I cant imagine! In no time, soon there will come this day where all of us, will have to say goodbye to RGS, as we remember the fond memories we shared, and all those experiences we went through. Until then, let's all enjoy our journey here together, so that we will have a pleasant destination ahead ! <3

PS: I will keep this post, and NEVER delete it, to mark as a comparison, when I write my future post in Sec 4 (: Let's see the change then! Haha!
