Now for my post...
CRAP. I knew what I talked was ROT and nothing else.
I knew it. I knew I am so NOT self-disciplined. If not by now, I would have completed the LIT PT. Now, the status is :
Poem 1 :
Reflection, Introduction
Poem 2 :
Reflection, Introduction
Poem 3 : Reflection, Introduction
Prose 1 : Reflection,
IntroductionProse 2 : Reflection,
IntroductionProse 3 : Reflection,
IntroductionProse 4 : Reflection, Introduction
Math PT :
Group, Individual
Higher Tamil PT : Karithundu (Not completed reading)
Geography : Nothing much revised
See, there must be a real problem with me. I wasted my holidays...
Forget it...I think I shall post some pictures of my nephew then =D
His name is SHACHIN

Cute, eh? Please comment on my tagboard...
Labels: as usual, chionging lit
Sorry people. I am feeling REAL REAL guilty. I guess, now is the time for me to CHIONG. CHIONG alll the way. No more relaxation. Strictly NO, I MEAN IT, NO slacking.
Really, it IS possible. I have more than 100 hours to CHIONG. This week. Okay, rough outline.
Finish reflections/introduction for all the poems
Go maama house and consult him to see whether I am in the right track
Find proses
Do intro for proses
Reflections for proses
Cover page for WGP
Decorate the different pieces
Touch up
Send for binding
Maths PT
Maths PT (Morning)
Study Geography (Strictly)
TRY, i mean TRY, to start Karithundu
Heave a BIG BIG Sigh of relief
Kay, people, now you guys must really really help me out in this. If I am sidetracking or slacking too much, please, bring me back to track. I will be so so so thankful. I easily succumb to temptation of relaxation and entertainment.
Labels: chiong all the way. PTs, I WILL overcome you
THANKS TO MY DEAR FRIEND MAG. Which is the reason why this post exists. Okay, fine. MAG, if you are not sure, please please do not say untruth abt me in your blog. I am just an innocent girl, with no wild and wacky ideas like you do. Neither is Gracie. (no comments or remarks from the people out there).
Okay, apparently, I went to KL from Fri night to Sunday morning. Yeah, pls dont bug me for souvernirs or whatsoever because it was mainly a temple trip. I came back home and slept for 9 hours from 6am to 3pm on Sunday morning.
Suddenly, I feel so guilty. I feel like giving up out of a sudden. USELESS DAMN (censored) HOLS!!! Yeah, I am venting all my anger on my hols. Sry, it was not the hols fault. THE DAMN PT'S. Yeah, Lit I have COMPLETELY no IDEA. Yeah like hog says, "AS USUAL". For once, you are correct hog. And the freaking karithundu is damn philosophical. I AINT ANY PHILOSOPHICAL PERSON. And can you imagine philosophy in TAMIL? Thats how bad. Firstly, my Tamil sucks. Secondly, it's too philosophical. Thirdly, why do we even have to do this!?!?!?!?!
Okay, on a happier note, I am really looking forward to movie marathon later part of today. (heh, it's morning!) SO FUN! But that reminds me that hols are ending which means ... (I will leave it up to you to guess...) Cya...
Labels: Flushed, Irritated, PISSED
Hey people!
Long time no blog! Yeah, I think I should blog about yesterday then. And updates too! (=
Yeah, gr8 news! MY NEPHEW WAS BORN ON 5 JUNE 2007!
Yeah, my FIRST nephew. So far, I got 1 niece(I think...). So yesterday I kindof when to make my new specs because I felt like. Lol. And after that, went to see my cousin and my nephew in Mount Alvernia hospital.
Omg, he was soooooooo cute. But I dont dare carry him. Lol. Newborn babies are sooo brittle. And the baby brought our family to come together, esp since my extended family is a BIIIGGGGG one. So we kindof caught up with each other. Then, I stayed in the hospital for quite some time and by the time we reached home was about 11pm+. Late eh? And had dinner at abt 11.15pm (Grace, please excuse me this time). That's about it. I gotta go to study Geogeaphy.><. So much to learn!!!!! ARGH!!!
Yeah, Kinnari, I agree. It's WITH GREAT PRESSURE, NOT WITH GREAT PLEASURE. I think the teachers got it wrong. It's so damn freaking freaking irritating and annoying, especially for me, when I chose the theme "LOVE". Yeah, I cant possibly change the theme as I have found all the appropriate poems and stuff after a long searching period. I am not that kind of literary person like MAG, who can like write sonnets for people like 009 when she's bored during History. I can never NEVER ever write something about love even when I wait for aeons. And I am supposed to what? REFLECT ABOUT THE POEM BY RESPONDING TO IT. What do they mean by respond? Someone please enlighten me.
Do I have to write an essay like the one about the old woman. I tell you, if I am gonna do that, you people better prepare a burial for me. Yeah, at least 107cm deep so I RIP(Rest in Peace) and not RIP(Rise if Possible). Coffin services anyone?
Yeah, these are some of the songs that made me emo, engulfing me with memories. Personally, I feel that these songs have alot of meaning. So read on, and hope you understand.
inspired by Gracie <333
I am big big girl, in a big big world
It's not a big big thing, if you leave me
But I do, do feel, that I do, do will
Miss you much, ,miss you much
I can see the first leaf falling
It's all so yellow and nice
It's so very cold outside
Like the way I'm feeling inside
I am big big girl, in a big big world
It's not a big big thing, if you leave me
But I do, do feel, that I do, do will
Miss you much, miss you much
Outside it's now raining, and tears are falling from my eyes
Why did it have to happen, why did it all have to end
I am big big girl, in a big big world
Is not a big big thing, if you leave me
But I do, do feel, that I do, do will
Miss you much, miss you much
I have your arms around me, warm like fire
But when I open my eyes, you're gone
I am a big big girl, in a big big world
It's not a big big thing, if you leave me
But I do feel, that will
Miss you much, miss you much
inspired by Lavanya <333
We were strangers
Starting out on a journey
Never dreaming what we'd have to go through
Now here we are
And I'm suddenly standing
At the beginning with you No one told me I was going to find you
Unexpected, what you did to my heart
When I lost hope
You were there to remind me
This is the start Life is a road, and I want to keep going
Love is a river I want to keep flowing
Life is a road, now and forever
Wonderful journey
I'll be there when the world stops turning
I'll be there when the storm is through
At the end I want to be standing at the beginning
With you We were strangers
On a crazy adventure
Never dreaming how are dreams could come true
Now here we stand
Unafraid of the future
At the beginning with you And life is a road, and I want to keep going
Love is a river I want to keep flowing
Life is a road, now and forever
Wonderful journey
I'll be there when the world stops turning
I'll be there when the storm is through
At the end I want to be standing at the beginning
With you I knew there was somebody somewhere
Like me alone in the dark
Now I know my dream will live on
I've been waiting so long
Nothing's going to tear us apart And life is a road and I want to going
Love is a river I want to keep flowing
Life is a road, now and forever
Wonderful journey
I'll be there when the world stops turning
I'll be there when the storm is through
In the end I want to be standing at the beginning
With you And life is a road, and I want to keep going
Love is a river I want to keep going on
Starting out on a journey
Life is a road and I want to keep going
Love is a river I want to keep flowing
In the end I want to be standing at the beginning
With you
Labels: emo-ing...vicky loves you guys loads
Hey ppl! NEWS FLASH : Stubborn Vicky has decided to blog after pestering and bugging from people like MAG, Gracie and many more.
Yeah, exactly I have been emo-ing for the past few days liao. I dont really know the reason why. And recently, my friends has been sending me emo songs to watch. These songs really bring me my memories; my journey in life. My primary school days. The happy and sad times. The people who I call friends, the people who can even find my tears in the rain and lift up my feet when I am having trouble remembering how to fly. The transition into RGS, the nice seniors and everything... See, I am emo-ing.
Just a message to my dear friends out there. Thanks alot for being there for me, through all the sad and happy things. Cracking lame jokes and being random. Lending me a shoulder to lean on in times of troubles and always keeping me company. You guys form the support when I feel the world crashing on me. Really, thanks a million times! I will never ever forget you guys. NEVER EVER. Love you ppl loads!
P/S: I seriously miss you guys.