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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Hey, sorry that I dint blog a long time. (not that long though) In case you dont know me, i am very VERY lazy. Yeah, so I guess that explains it all. Collected progress report todae. Yeah, I did okay la, considering the fact that I slacked throughout the exams. Yeah, so I will remain open of my GPA and stuff. (I really wonder why they spell my full name in my progress report. Vicky is much better. ><)

English Language : 60 % GPA:2.8
Comments : Vigneswari has shown responsibility for her own learning and is encouraged to read extensively as reading helps to enhance textual analysis and writing abilities.

Higher Tamil : 75% GPA:3.6
Comments : Vigneswari is responsive and attentive in class. She has done well in her written work.

Mathematics : 70% GPA:3.6
Comments : Vigneswari takes a proactive approach and is responsible in her learning. Keep it up.

Geography : 71% GPA:3.6
Comments : Vigneswari has been an active contributor during lessons, trying her best to explain processes. Keep that up!

History : 75% GPA:3.6
Comments : A serious learner who takes pride in her work.

English Literature : 60% GPA:2.8
Comments : Vigneswari is a courteous, sweet-natured and conscientious child(I am still a child?!?). She has shown responsibility for her own learning and has done fairly well for Literature SA.

Lower Secondary Science (aka Biology) : 65% GPA:3.2
Comments : Vigneswari has demonstrated a keeness to learn and to excel. She has demonstrated a positive attitude towards her work and lessons.

Chinese (Special Programme) : 80% GPA:4.0
Comments : Vigneswari shows interest in the language and should be more focus in class.

Character & Leadership Education : -
Comments : Vigneswari is a keen and enthusiastic student who is still developing her inter-personal skills.

Overall Grade Pont Average : 3.4 (Is it good?)

Yeah, that's about it. And shh. MY RESULTS JUST WHEN PUBLIC!!!
Monday, May 28, 2007

It's okay if you guys dont understand.

Why, why are people so immature. What's wrong with them. Probably a screw loose. Hard hearts, ill feelings, backstabbing. They get pleasure doing these. God, please knock some senses. Cant let this continue. If not everything will end breaking up. Probably, they just need time to realise the people around them and understand what others feel; what impression others have about them. But how long? Time isnt gonna wait for anyone. Just pray and hope for the best. Still, gotts hold on the past memories. Always looking optimistic and waiting for the best.
Sunday, May 27, 2007

If you think you've had it up to here;
there's really no reason for you to shed a tear.
To start with, give the sky a stare;
that will help you get in a state of repair.
Then pick out all around you the good things;
and assuredly you'll discover the cheerful thought it brings.
It is said some people enjoy pain;
and others instead of sunshine, rain.
Enjoy life for at the most it is short;
and regardless whatever we do we'll have our day in court.
Bring back all the pleasant memories you can make appear;
and you'll find out the ugly ones are no longer here.
They say a wise Chinaman once said;
all the time sunshine brings nothing but deserts and us dead.
If you really want cheered up, visit a sick friend;
and after a cheerful conversation you'll enjoy no end.
Sometimes just try to gather the most silence you can find;
and meditate to refresh your mind. I
f we let Heaven's rays of light in;
the darkness of sin won't have a chance to begin.
They say it takes six muscles to smile, but sixty to frown;
which makes me not want to be an undertaker, but a clown.

Courtesy of Charles E. Sprow

Yo ppl! That was just a poem for people who are feeling very depressed or disappointed. Came across it when I was randomly surfing the net. So, just read through it. It has a lot of meaning though.

Arrgggggghhhhhh! I feel so bored. Still have to clear off my junk table and do my Math PT before Ms Yeo fails my group. And yeah, I DUN WAN MY PROGRESS REPORT!!! I know I sucked. For people who dont know what to do during the holidays, here's a advice (Follow it at your own risk!) Go surf the net and slack for the first three weeks and chiong all yr hmwk during the last week! =D
Saturday, May 26, 2007

Hey! Yeah, open house was gr8! Although I kindof had to stand practically the whole day. The first thing I came home, I went to sleep for 4hrs...sleeeeeeeeepy! Saw juniors and chatted with them while they waited for their parents, who attended the principal's talk. My toy worked perfectly well so that I could show-off. I love you polar beary. Lol. While I was manning the CSP booith, I keep asking people questions in Chinese, and I went up to Ms Leong and asked her "ni shi wo de hao peng you ma?" And then she was like "Shi." Lol.

Oh yeah, and I went around carrying the Tribune sign which I absolutely loved saying "Freedom of the Press". Lol. It was so attention seeking and people saw it and laughed. Apparently, only RGS students understand the underlying meaning, but nvm. And then Xin Yi was like, make exactly 3-5 signs like that, and 5 of us stand in a row together and go marching. She says it will be cute. I guess more attention seeking though. I will consider. I absolutely LOVE the Tribune pullover. The back says, "School Reporter. Access to Places". So cool.

To Mag's great delight, 009 was there and she was able to tease him. Actually, in the morning, we(me and someone else, cant rmber), asked 009 why he blew up Grace C photo so big, the photo when she she was holding the heart.When asked why, he said she was the only one who hold the heart properly; the rest of us seemed to be mole*ting the heart. So lame. And then in the afternoon, Mag came. Went to see her in her booth. She seemed bored because nobody was visiting the booth, probably because it was nearing the end of the open house. Then, we went around to find for POTENTIAL people to join Track n Field. In Mag's dictionary, find someone thin and tall who can jump or someone average and can throw. We went around giving out the flyers and stickers while talking and Mag laughing her goooon laugh and giving THAT goon smile. And then 009 was in the koi pond area when we chanced upon that place, as there were quite a number of people there. And then Mag and I gave him flyers and stickers(lame!) and again Mag asked him why he blew up the photo so big and then I told him that when Grace C realised that, she immediately left. 009 SO EVIL! And then my mum wanted to talk to 009 regarding sch stuff. Apparently, we went up to 009 and said, "A parent wants to speak to you!" You should have seen his scarrrred expression. So cute! Lol. And then my mum told him that she was my mum eventhough I asked her to keep her identity a secret. And then we kindof spied onthe convo to make sure he doesnt tell anything about me sleeping in class. (He has caught me dozing off a couple of times and have come to wake me up.) Lucky he dint. Probably, he values his life.

Okay, here's a paiseh joke that Mag did. She went up to li lao shi(my CSP teacher) and asked her whether she wanted a flyer for Track n Field for her child. And then she said that she was a staff here. Lol, Mag. Mag was mad at me for not telling me that she was my teacher. And then we cracked a joke about it all. Soon at about 4.30pm, Mag had to leave cos her brother and her dad had came to fetch her. And I, was left alone, bored while my mum talked to 009. Luckily Bird was there. Some form of company.

A lot of other great things happened, and now I realised my PR skills arent that bad. Quite good actually, and I can explain to the visitors very well. So tired now, so let me continue in dreamland. Until then, takecare people!
Friday, May 25, 2007

Lemme just talk a little about yesterday...Yesterday I felt soooo bored, wasnt in the mood to go to school...But went to Rulang with Sindhuja aft sch and tt cheered me up...yeah, and I dint know that some HODs are SCARRRED of cockroaches like you-know-who...yeah, and had fun teasing you-know-who...Lol, reached home pretty late cos was FORCED to help..."AS USUAL"

Today, hmmm, I thought Mag was extra-spastic today...and she finally decided to 'tease' 009. She went to tell 009, "you are smelling funny today".Lol. The way she said it was like WEIRD, as if she smells 009 evryday. 009 was telling me, Mag and Grace C where he belonged in the 'trait wheel'. Then, I asked 009 what is mid-digit hair and he was explaining and said he had some. And then the other 2 were cracking jokes about he having big pores and lame stuff like that...Oh ya, I must tell you about what we learnt in RS. something like "statistics are like bikinis, they reveal the suggestive parts and conceal the vital parts"...it sounded so sick and obscene...

We had class party and yeah, before I forget


Yeah, and then we helped ms leong to create a blog and Mag was like trying to show ms leong mr d's frienster, which was not successfully accomplished due to technical loading faults of the comp...haha, I am sooo chim...

Tmr is open house, and we HAVE TO WEAR OUR TIES!!! I will surely be suffocated...

Yeah, now gotta do THAT Math PT, before Ms YO, I mean Ms Yeo fails my grp...she is thousand million times better than mrs pey, although mrs pey is okay...

For the SPECIAL someone who I chatted to yesterday:
Dont worry okay, you people are very nice...You just have to wait. People will realise it when time comes. Until then, dont let your emotions rule you.Come, let me see a smile in your face now! =DDD <3333
Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Hmmm...practically today was an indeed SLACKY day...morning had math and completely dint understand the Miss Yeo was teaching, mainly because I was hurrying through my aesthetics keyboard homework...Then recess, something real LAME happened...MAG, i tell you something, we ARE INDEED LAME!!! Tamil was after recesss and had to write a dumb katturai about naan arinthukonda puthumaiyana seithi...and our health checkup was forwarded...so we couldnt miss assembly after all...><

Okay, English as usual, hope you get my cue, and then assembly worse...Mag was trying to sleep, haha, but she cant control her head and keep jerking...Aft assembly, I recommended her to come to me to some controlling-of-head-while-sleeping training..Lol...]

Then, me and Mag went to library to hunt for literature books for our Lit PT, but we dint find that much, as usual...Aft photo-taking, shyama, nivi and I went to canteen to get some ice-cream(yummy!) and slacked...We suddenly began talking about religious stuff like whether there are spirits, and we went to class to continue slacking...At least, I copied Geo notes from the notice board. Shyama was reading a book, wifout her shoes and socks....she feels comfortable...and then after slacking until 5, we went home la...took 190

When we got down at BPP, Shyama's and Nivi's bus had arrived...Alisa was with me and I kindof caught up with her...And now, slacking again...